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79 Responses to About

  1. Arthur says:

    Something that stopped the ‘enviromental’ takeover of our soverneignity in the early 60’s was a released government report called “report form iron mountain’ this book is out of print but is a must to have and possibly get it back in print, if there is a chance you have not read it I would lend it to you’

  2. Lester james says:

    How can I get in touch with you

    • Robert Frene says:

      Hi im in the fight of my life they are calling me a habitual offender for trying to make a liveing . My alleged charge as they put it is operating a motor vehical . I have been charged 4 times this year and i am out on bail . Help please.

      • Everything you need is available for free, on my private groups at yahoogroups and googlegroups called Administrating-Your-Public-Servants

        I have been out of work for over 4 years so if you want my personal attention to any matter, I will need a donation.

        Bitcoin is the preferred method of donation.

        I am buying some bitcoin just to carry out some transactions to get familiar with it. Clif High is saying that Bitcoin is going to go through the roof this year. See the videos below.

        https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=VoBRckWwN4g

        https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=8sSBCTGbMHw

        You can also make a donation at the following Paypal link


      • Watch my videos D.I.Y. Kangaroo Courts 7, 8, & 9 because they are forging your signature onto contracts and now they are trying to sell you into slavery (jail).

      • Laura coker says:

        When you go to court the judge is going to try to get you to say one of three things either that you are driving instead of traveling or that you’re in a vehicle instead of a car or that you’re in the city of instead of the city itself.

  3. Ato Fuller says:

    Do you process secure private creditor packages and if so how much?

    • Those are commercial terms, and I stay out of commerce as much as possible. Commerce is governed by the Uniform Commercial Code, which is governed by UNIDROIT and the United Nations. Under the Clearfield doctrine (see Clearfield Trust Company v United States) you give up your sovereignty by doing that. That is not to say that I do not do common law contracts, because I do, and common law contracts are not commercial.

      • James says:

        However wouldn’t a true Sovereign be able to take on different roles,
        kinda like how the POPE has THE HOLY SEE as registered U.N. charter.

        Also, I heard that Sovereignty can only be “truly” obtain by 1 of 2 ways.
        Conquest or Birth-right.
        So technically the only way to be a true American Sovereign is to be able to prove you have ancestors who were in the 13 colonies at that time.

        For it is they who are “The People”, who took arms against KING GEORGE III, and won their Sovereignty.

        And the KING stated that He, all of his Heirs, and the Sovereign community recognized those people as Sovereign from that moment forth.
        Therefore it is part of your inheritance?

        What are your thoughts on that?

      • I agree that the best way to assert sovereignty in America is to show that you have the blood right, but it is not the ONLY way.

      • Laura coker says:

        I’ve had ideas come to mind about king George having 13 kids who lived to be adults. What if they settled here? I’ve read that King George considered America “a parent child relationship.” They didn’t play with words back then. Also I believe the king who denounced the crown to marry an American woman knew this. He married a real queen. I think that’s why sovereignty devolved here. Somehow they stole our line of succession. The declaration of independence is stating complaints about king George doing exactly what he should have done. Sovereignty means can’t be ruled by law and royal rank. So king George wouldn’t pass laws for the good of the people. He wouldn’t allow people to come over here and naturalize. You can’t be a part of the royal family just by coming and living among them. Is everyone aware that Trump wrote a second declaration of Independence in which he stated that in exchange for our land our sovereignty and our gold we would let them keep their wealth their position and their heads. I totally disagree with that statement. What are we supposed to do to challenge that decoration???

  4. I just finished editing the feature length motion picture HOLLYWOOD AND VINE that I wrote, produced, and directed in Los angeles. I am now seeking distribution. If you have any contacts that might help us in with distribution, then they would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Ronald Farnham
    HOLLYWOOD AND VINE imdb link:


  5. Troy Williams says:

    My house was stolen by this system. I live in New Jersey. I wrote both the sheriff and county clerk that the judge in my case wasn’t ruling fairly, and questioned why they were bypassing the 7th Amendment. I mailed them by certified mail, but got no reply. I want to sue both the sheriff and county clerk in Federal Court for failure to uphold the constitution, but don’t know if the fact that NJ is a judicial state plays a role on their side. Any helpful information would be appreciated. Thanks

    • It is War Crimes. It is martial law. They have presumed that you are a US citizen, and the US is bankrupt and under Martial law, and has been since at least 1933. Anybody that has a mortgage is by definition a US citizen, or resident alien. The issue is War Crimes under the Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Civilians in a Time of War of 1949, Article 33 which is for pillaging. I would also bring up Article 31 which prohibits them from coercing and intimidating you into giving evidence against yourself, as well as Article 71 that requires a fair hearing.

    • Jake says:

      You can win within the “system” but you have to know how – do it right check out http://www.HowToWinInCourt.com?refercode=BJ0083

  6. Sara says:

    I have a very close friend who has prior convictions. Felonies dating a few years back. While he was still on “court jurisdiction” he was at practice with his son one evening while officers came into arrest him and serve papers which was a warrant for due child support. He was arrested on and book at 9:44 on a Tuesday. Saw the following morning for child support hearing. And wasn’t seen again until the following Monday he was given the opportunity to put in a request for representation but not given anyone until Monday. They also had a “warrant” to search his home and truck. Being he is a felon he was was not allowed weapons in which he had a gun, that was supposedly stolen and that’s it. Pretty certain there was one or two CI. Which I advised him to have his lawyer put in a request right away. He shed be able to file a habeas Corpus should he not for many reasons. Being denied a lawyer, bond is to high, kept on suspicion.

    • If it was me in that situation, I would definitely be screaming war crimes. I can see pillaging, threatening, intimidating, terrorizing, denials of due process (kangaroo courts) and multiple things going on here. His liar (attorney) is going to sell him down the river!

      • Mandi says:

        Sell him down the river? What do you mean.

      • What do you think? It means they will probably make sure he goes to jail!

      • Mandi says:

        So nothing can be done ? He wasn’t even shows the warrant (s) was offered a lawyer

      • Laura coker says:

        Attorneys definitely sell you down the river. When you hire one you give them your power of attorney. Now you’re considered incompetent a ward of the Court. With your power of attorney they commit you into the jail and go into your trust and get your bonds out and give it back to Britain. The British attorney registry or bar

  7. Accepting a liar (attorney) gives the court jurisdiction. You need to watch my DIY Kangaroo Courts series

    • Mandi says:

      Thank you for all your responses. They already do not like me. My phone I’m pretty certain has been tapped and my card was blocked at the jail last so I could put in payments. My bank said I had changed my phone number which I never did and then inwcame home to find that my internet box has been messed with. Regardless. I’m thinking representation of himself may be the best bet at this point and that I need to bail him out. All I know is the night of the supposed innocent he was with me. He has been served nothing, put in a request to file a habeas corpus 3 times and never given anything. While I’m well aware many eyes are on me. I do know that sometimes you need to stand up for what you believe in even if your standing alone

    • Jake says:

      Agreed , very sad,,,,

    • Laura coker says:

      Thank you Gary for all that you do you’re amazing. If you don’t have a lawyer all you have to do is get past three attempts to establish jurisdiction. They always use the name because answering to the all cap name makes you one of their employees do they have jurisdiction over. The chicken the second one is always do you understand the charges because understand is consent. They can never do what they just said if you say no but I comprehend what you’re saying. The third one is a variable they’ve used you did drive up here didn’t you I said no sir I traveled. It could be could you please stand I can’t hear what you’re saying if you have to say no I would rather see it I’ll speak up. Just think like a king and be aware that what they’re saying is trying to establish jurisdiction for them which they don’t have and can never take unless you give it to them. After the three attempts to establish jurisdiction their next words will be you’re free to go.

  8. The ONLY alternative that I can see at this point is the War Crimes

  9. I would file a Notice of Void Judgment into the case first, and a Revocation of Signatures. I would make sure and get copies of the Filed documents and attach them to a criminal complaint as evidence. You need to be aware that they are NOT going to like what you are doing so you need to decide how far you are prepared to go with this.

    In the criminal complaint you bring up the issues of War Crimes.

  10. Mandi says:

    This is very much and black and white case. He’s being targeted because of last convictions.

  11. That is EXACTLY why you need to do the Revocation of Signatures and the Notice of Void Judgment, and go after them for War Crimes. Either you are free or you are a slave. They are treating you like a slave right now and you let them get away with it, then you ARE a slave! Just get used to it!

  12. Douglas Moomey says:

    Any suggestions for an Xfelon getting my gun rights back.?

    • Everything you need is available for free on my private groups at Yahoogroups and Googlegroups entitled Administrating-Your-Public- Servants.

      I have been out of work for over 5 years so if you want my personal attention to any matter, I will need a donation.

      Bitcoin is the preferred method of payment. You can send bitcoin to;
      15ncJzaetzy6M9526uvNpY8116S5MB QmDR

      You can send money by Bitcoin, by Paypal, or snail mail.

      My Paypal email address is engineerwin@hotmail.com

    • Laura coker says:

      When I learned what a felony was it was espionage and treason only. When they added bank robbery to the list , Americans marched to Washington in protest and made them remove it. The definition of felony is a crime punishable by death.

  13. Douglas Moomey says:

    Im suing the child support shitbags and just notified AG of crimes against me. What do i do when he writes back and defends the state? Child support is a fraud. He knows it. I know it. Who do i write, what do i write, ??

    • Everything you need is available for free on my private groups at Yahoogroups and Googlegroups entitled Administrating-Your-Public- Servants.

      I have been out of work for over 5 years so if you want my personal attention to any matter, I will need a donation.

      Bitcoin is the preferred method of payment. You can send bitcoin to;
      15ncJzaetzy6M9526uvNpY8116S5MB QmDR

      You can send money by Bitcoin, by Paypal, or snail mail.

      My Paypal email address is engineerwin@hotmail.com

  14. Gerardo Lopez says:

    Am 2 month in preforeclosure, would like to respond with some of your form, would you give me access to it?. Thank you very much.

    • Everything you need is available for free on my private groups at Yahoogroups and Googlegroups entitled Administrating-Your-Public- Servants.

      I have been out of work for over 5 years so if you want my personal attention to any matter, I will need a donation. I have attached a document that has donation addresses.

      Bitcoin is the preferred method of payment. You can send bitcoin to;

      You can send money by Bitcoin, by Paypal, or snail mail.

  15. Gabriel O Rey says:

    I nid som help to get comenlow I’D
    How to get the forms to apply to get one

    • Everything you need is available for free on my private groups at Yahoogroups and Googlegroups entitled Administrating-Your-Public- Servants.

      I have been out of work for over 5 years so if you want my personal attention to any matter, I will need a donation. I have attached a document that has donation addresses.

      Bitcoin is the preferred method of payment. You can send bitcoin to;

      My Paypal email address is engineerwin@hotmail.com

      You can send money by Bitcoin, by Paypal, or snail mail.

  16. MikeeJess says:

    any study groups west of Volusia FL ?
    Thank you for your considerations sovereignty-international

  17. A king says:

    I’m interested in learning and viewing a lot of your paperwork… I have been assaulted by the “pigs” and I need to set them straight.. how do I get access to the info that’s not on youtube.. it would be greatly apprec.. I’ve been doing ok so far but they have not ceased or decimated as of yet.. would u be willing to lend advice?

    • Everything you need is available for free on my private groups at Yahoogroups and Googlegroups entitled Administrating-Your-Public- Servants.

      I have been out of work for over 6 years, therefore if you want my personal attention to this matter, I will require a donation.

      I have attached a document that has donation addresses.

      Bitcoin is the preferred method of payment. You can send bitcoin to;

      My Paypal email address is engineerwin@hotmail.com


      My cash app profile is $GlennWinningham

      You can send money by Bitcoin, by Paypal, or snail mail.

  18. Kaity says:

    How do I join the Yahoo group?

    • If you give me an email address, I will send you an invitation. Or search for Administrating-Your-Public-Servants at yahoogroups

      • bryan selleck says:

        Please send me a link I am not having much success joining your yahoo group.
        I have been pouring through your videos and Do here by thank you on behalf of myself and all man kind for your efforts I also did some` research on your past “not much but some” and see you have been fighting the good fight for a long time.
        Again Thank You;
        Most respectfully
        Bryan Jacob of the Selleck family

      • Send me an email to engineerwin@yahoo.com and remind me that I was going to send you an invitation. I need an email address to send the invitation to.

  19. IS1888 says:

    Does anyone know the best way to get your BC, POA, Witness Statement and Affadavit of ownership recorded…I sent my birth certificate power of attorney witness statement and affidavit of ownership to the clerk and recorder of probate in Virgina Who had no idea what I was talking about or needing. As such they were forwarded to the recorder of deeds…And then I got a rejection letter saying they do not record birth certificates. It seems as everyone is playing hot potato with my documents and can’t direct me to the right place and the right process.

  20. Jeffrey.boozer says:


  21. Roman says:

    The response I got for Surrendering my Canadian Birth certificate:

    I am writing to inform you of your letter of February 12, 2019, regarding the surrender of your birth certificate. The mandate of the Vital Statistics Agency is to administer the following registries: birth, deaths, still births, marriages, change of name, adoption & wills registry. An integral component of this responsibility includes the issuance of certificates & documents surrounding these events & the provision of vital event data to various health professionals & associations for research & planning purposes.

    The birth certificate certifies the registration of the birth, & nothing more. It is not a commercial instrument, a bill or a bill of exchange. It is of legal force & effect other than providing evidence of the facts there in recorded.

    Regarding the birth certificate which was enclosed with your letter, we have updated our records noting that you returned the certificate to the Agency. Should you require a replacement certificate in the future please visit our website at…for information.

    I have provided the above description of the Agency’s mandate in order that you may understand that we are in no position to be able to address any of the legal concerns brought forward in your correspondence. I would suggest that you obtain the service of a legal professional if you are concerned that your rights have not been upheld.


    Jack Shewchuk, Registrar General

  22. Jeffrey.boozer says:


    • Misty Rine says:

      Look, i know im responding 2 years or so late but they are liars. What he was trying to tell you is hd has put it all out there all the caselaw and proof you need and theres more out there. They lie and really chances are whoever wrote that letter may still be brainwashed and believing the lie. RIGHT ON YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE IN THE LOWER LEFT OF THE BOARDER IN SMALL LETTERS IT SAYS RIGHT ON THERE THAT ITS A BANK NOTR AND TELLS YO UH WGICH BANK. THERES LOTS OF PEOPLE OUT THERE trying different proocesses, some may work at first until they catch on then they put a stop to it. She wolf on talk shoe, new day rising, and others, some people just are truing to make money bh making up dumb shit and selling it, or perhaps it did work at first but too many people tried and they stopped recognizing or even giving any attention or validity to it. But what Glenn is doing they cant stop it, it is our God given rights that men fought and died to give us and they fucked it off for lack of a better phrase, almost from the beginning. Yeah the courts will ignore you, argue twist or try to trip you up confuse and bully you. You have to keep trying and get it into a higher court or before higher authorities. Its not going to come easy and it will be a forever ongoing battle.

  23. Jeffrey.boozer says:


    • Everything you need is available for free on my private groups at Yahoogroups and Googlegroups entitled Administrating-Your-Public- Servants.

      I have been out of work for over 6 years, therefore if you want my personal attention to this matter, I will require a donation.

      Bitcoin is the preferred method of payment. You can send bitcoin to;

      My Paypal email address is engineerwin@hotmail.com


      My cash app profile is $GlennWinningham

      You can send money by Bitcoin, by Paypal, or snail mail.

  24. Richie Sposato says:

    I would like to join your group…richie@nusoundmusic.com

  25. Marcus Miller says:

    I’ve listen to or videos on YouTube I want to thank you for your work and I would like to be able to contact you and donate when possible, if possible. Was looking to look over the paperwork listed in the videos please and thank you. And regardless if I hear from you or not thank for what your doing brother!

  26. Scott says:

    Hi Glenn
    I read a group email and watched video on community support network . I would like to join under you . Please supply me with info to sign up.

    My name is Scott

    Thank you .

    For some reason I can’t respond in the administrating you’re public servants group ???
    Which is why I’m reaching out here .


  27. Misty Rine says:

    Yahoo is really shit down evidently. Do i need to join this somehow? I will pay for the membership when i get money or is this on ef different i have to pay it first? I need to download some documents to figure out what i can file for the latest things theyve pulled. Im not sure how ilthis works at all.

  28. Robert says:

    Is this blog still active? I would like to join your group.

  29. Whitney fish says:

    I need you to help me with sovereign person

  30. Donna Stewart says:

    Would you please remove me from the Yahoo group, administering your public servants. Thank you.

  31. Donna Stewart says:

    Please remove me from the yahoo group, administering your public servants. Thank you.

  32. There should be an unsubscribe link

  33. Brennen says:

    I would like to get in touch with you please god bought me to this platform what am I supposed to learn sir please and thank you . Yeshua sent me

  34. Laura coker says:

    Thank you Gary for all that you do you’re amazing. If you don’t have a lawyer all you have to do is get past three attempts to establish jurisdiction. They always use the name because answering to the all cap name makes you one of their employees do they have jurisdiction over. The chicken the second one is always do you understand the charges because understand is consent. They can never do what they just said if you say no but I comprehend what you’re saying. The third one is a variable they’ve used you did drive up here didn’t you I said no sir I traveled. It could be could you please stand I can’t hear what you’re saying if you have to say no I would rather see it I’ll speak up. Just think like a king and be aware that what they’re saying is trying to establish jurisdiction for them which they don’t have and can never take unless you give it to them. After the three attempts to establish jurisdiction their next words will be you’re free to go.

  35. Laura coker says:

    My house was condemned for no power. I was arrested spent the night in jail for trespassing on my property . I don’t owe a mortgage.

  36. Laura coker says:

    Thank you Glenn for all you have done to educate people.

  37. SynergyChef says:


    I found you again!

    Love to hear about where you are at now days.

    We are on the big island of Hawaii.

    Working to correct the errors played out these last 12 plus decades here and correcting the record with my born on state California.

    So grateful to find your YouTube again.


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